Oh Yeah: A Bear Poetry Anthology

In this anthology of Bear poetry, we go further than celebrating sex between men. We explore what it means to have our imperfect bodies rejected, accepted, and loved as we are: queer and trans men challenging and transforming long-held notions of physical beauty amidst our youth-obsessed culture.

publishing date


Anthologies, Poetry






Bearskin Lodge Press

The painting shows a background slathered with thick slabs of paint ranging in colors from blue-gray, light-blue, and beige against which a muscular and hairy white man with a starting-to-gray beard stands naked with something of a questioning look in his face. The man is naked with the bottom edge of the cover cropping just below his belly. Spread across the man’s pectorals is the book’s title and subtitle (and the editor’s name) in gritty white and black capital letters: OH YEAH / A BEAR POETRY ANTHOLOGY / RAYMOND LUCZAK, EDITOR.


In this anthology of Bear poetry, we go further than celebrating sex between men. We explore what it means to have our imperfect bodies rejected, accepted, and loved as we are: queer and trans men challenging and transforming long-held notions of physical beauty amidst our youth-obsessed culture.

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