Where the heck have you been, Walt Whitman?
Walt Whitman, author of Leaves of Grass, was born in 1819. The Stonewall riots happened 150 years later. On the bicentennial of Whitman’s birth and the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, over 80 poets pay homage to not only Walt Whitman, but also to queer poets and queer poetry and the vast and various events, revolutions public and private, that have shaken our world since 1819: who we are, where we are, where we have been, and where we might be going in the 21st century.
Featured poets include:
- Shane Allison
- Jeffrey Angles (translator)
- M. J. Arcangelini
- Geer Austin
- Stuart Barnes
- David J. Bauman
- Jeffery Beam
- Gary Boelhower
- Charlie Bondhus
- Bryan Borland
- Jericho Brown
- A. J. Chilson
- Philip F. Clark
- Jeffery Conway
- Alfred Corn
- David Cummer
- Gavin Geoffrey Dillard
- Patrick Donnelly
- Arthur Durkee
- Jim Elledge
- Jack Fritscher
- Keith Garebian
- Alex Gildzen
- Robert L. Giron
- David Groff
- Nicholas Alexander Hayes
- Trebor Healey
- Greg Hewett
- Scott Hightower
- Walter Holland
- Andrew Howdle
- Michael Hyde
- George K. Ilsley
- Curran Jeffery
- Jee Leong Koh
- Michael Lassell
- Travis Chi Wing Lau
- Daniel W.K. Lee
- Timothy Liu
- Chip Livingston
- Raymond Luczak
- Jeff Mann
- Jaime Manrique
- Herbert Woodward Martin
- Marcos L. Martínez
- Dermot Meagher
- Jory Mickelson
- Stephen S. Mills
- Michael Kiesow Moore
- SP Mulroy
- Chael Needle
- Eric Thomas Norris
- Margaret Sayers Peden (translator)
- James Penha
- Seth Pennington
- Felice Picano
- Martin Pousson
- Christopher Records
- William Reichard
- Dennis Rhodes
- Rocco Russo
- Roberto F. Santiago
- Gerard Sarnat
- James Schwartz
- P. C. Searce
- Davis G. See
- Gregg Shapiro
- Ben Shields
- Allen Smith
- Michael D. Snediker
- Frederick Speers
- Malcolm Stuhlmiller
- Mutsuo Takahashi
- Atsusuke Tanaka
- Guy Terrell
- Ulysses Tetu
- John Whittier Treat
- David Trinidad
- Mark Ward
- Edmund White
- Walt Whitman (of course!)
- Scott Wiggerman
- Jim Wise
- Cyril Wong
- Ian Young