Genre: Anthologies

  • Yooper Poetry: On Experiencing Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

    Yooper Poetry: On Experiencing Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

    Sometimes the best way to learn about a unique region is to listen to the stories told by those who’ve actually lived there. You learn things that no guidebook would ever tell you. You meet unforgettable characters who’ve strayed far off the beaten path. And you see clearly again how the power of memory is…

  • Oh Yeah: A Bear Poetry Anthology

    Oh Yeah: A Bear Poetry Anthology

    In this anthology of Bear poetry, we go further than celebrating sex between men. We explore what it means to have our imperfect bodies rejected, accepted, and loved as we are: queer and trans men challenging and transforming long-held notions of physical beauty amidst our youth-obsessed culture.

  • Lovejets: Queer Male Poets on 200 Years of Walt Whitman

    Lovejets: Queer Male Poets on 200 Years of Walt Whitman

    Where the heck have you been, Walt Whitman? Walt Whitman, author of Leaves of Grass, was born in 1819. The Stonewall riots happened 150 years later. On the bicentennial of Whitman’s birth and the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, over 80 poets pay homage to not only Walt Whitman, but also to queer poets and queer…

  • QDA: A Queer Disability Anthology

    QDA: A Queer Disability Anthology

    Featuring fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and comics by 48 writers from around the world, QDA: A Queer Disability Anthology proves that intersectionality isn’t just a buzzword. It’s a penetrating and unforgettable look into the hearts and souls of those defiant enough to explore their own vulnerabilities and demonstrate their own strengths. “Queer sexuality and disability places…

  • From Heart To Art: Interviews with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Artists and Their Allies

    From Heart To Art: Interviews with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Artists and Their Allies

    For over a decade, Raymond Luczak, author of Silence Is a Four-Letter Word: On Art & Deafness, has been interviewing Deaf and hard of hearing artists and their allies about their creative and arts accessibility work. This volume features over 70 people sharing what it means to be an artist who happens to be different.…

  • Among the Leaves: Queer Male Poets on the Midwestern Experience

    Among the Leaves: Queer Male Poets on the Midwestern Experience

    “The heartland is a perpetual state of mind, a place more pervasive than the literality of a land before them …” In Among the Leaves, 18 queer male poets share stories what it means to live in the Midwest. We learn what it’s like for them to play football and come up short. We feel…

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